Arches Canyonlands 2012, Day 03

Day 03- Another Overlook and an Old Friend It was another early morning. The distances are far in these parks, but the early hours mean that we have some locations to ourselves when we first get there. There is a stillness in the air, broken by the occasional whisper of Ravens’ wings as dawn breaks. […]

Arches Canyonlands 2012, Day 02

Day 02- A Really Early Morning and Red Cliffs Just as Delicate Arch is the iconic image for Arches National Park, Mesa Arch is for many, the one for Canyonlands. Sunrise is the classic time to visit, but one needs to get up early, and we did. We were in our cars and on our […]

Arches Canyonlands 2012, Day 01

Days 01 – A Long Hike When you photograph in locations where the light lasts long, it makes for early-morning alarm clocks and late dinners. That’s the only way you are going to capture the light. This year, we decided to get the two most challenging shoots over at the beginning of the workshop. This […]


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